Decorative Concrete Options to Consider for Your Driveway


If you plan to lay a new concrete driveway for your home, you could cover the area with decorative concrete. Various techniques can cover the paving with colours, patterns and textures. Here are several options to consider. Colours Rather than resorting to grey pavement, you could consider coloured concrete. A range of earthy hues are available to give the paving a natural appearance. For example, select from grey, dusky blue, gold or red shades.

27 September 2021

How Repointing Can Repair Leaking Brick Walls


It goes without saying that your home's exterior walls are supposed to keep out the elements, and a sturdy, well-constructed brick wall can keep you sheltered and secure for many decades. Unfortunately, nothing in life lasts forever, and if your brick walls have started to weather and degrade, they may be allowing rainwater and moisture to leak into your home. Leaking brick walls can cause severe water damage to wallpaper, furniture and floorboards, and the problem that is causing the leak must be repaired as soon as possible before any serious damage is done to your home.

24 June 2021

Designing With Pavers


Pavers form a gateway to your home and the first taste of what to expect once you're inside. Pavers can be used to set a mood and establish a design style and, whether you're building or renovating your home, you'll want to get it right. You'll find pavers in a range of materials, from warm and natural terracotta to eminently stylish granite and slate and you'll have noticed them gracing many paths, patios and driveways.

30 March 2021